Health Careers International


Health Careers International (HCI) provides quality healthcare education and training for nurses and the health and community care sectors.

Health Careers International (HCI) provides quality healthcare education and training for nurses and the health and community care sectors. Embracing technology-rich, innovative learning environments that focus on outcome-driven practical learning that realizes HCI’s mission of Education for Employment. HCI creates new opportunities for students around the world to develop and enhance their skills, and for governments and health sector organizations to more effectively develop healthcare workforce for the future. Established in 2007, HCI operates two institutes: the Institute of Health and Nursing Australia (IHNA) and the Institute of Health & Management (IHM). HCI has educated more than 25,000 students in vocational, undergraduate and Post Graduate programs and professional development in aged care, disability care, home & community care, and nursing and social work. IHNA is a registered training organization under the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) and IHM is accredited by Australia’s Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA).
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    Top 25 in QILT 2022 Students Experience Survey (SES)
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    No.4 Post Graduate Nursing Institute in Australia on QILT Surveys.
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    Campus presence in major cities in Australia - Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, and Perth and satellite campus in Kochi, India
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    A complete ecosystem of Education to Employment with strong industry connections.