Existing Universities

In markets all over the world, we are helping universities make a bigger impact on the lives of their students and communities.

We power our partners by providing access to the resources they need to break through to the next level of scale and recognition, so they can thrive in today’s increasingly competitive global market.

As your long-term advisor, we can offer a full range of programs and services tailored to your needs:

Strategic Planning

Set your course for ambitious growth and expanded impact

Recruiting and Marketing

Reach more prospective students in more markets

Academic Curricula

Develop new programs, enrich existing ones, and offer dual degrees with ASU

Online Learning

Engage with the expanding population of online students

International Exchange

Offer your students and faculty the chance to collaborate and conduct research with ASU

Reputation and Ranking

Enhance your reputation and improve your rankings

Learn more about our partners around the world


Our Partnership With ASU

Cintana was founded in partnership with Arizona State University, globally recognized as one of the most innovative universities in the world.

 When you partner with Cintana and ASU, your students get direct access to the resources and expertise of Arizona State University, including:

Content Repository

Access to a digital repository of content and curriculum from the ASU catalogue of 200+ online degree programs

Study Abroad

A range of global learning options including the opportunity to study at an ASU campus in Phoenix, Washington D.C., or Los Angeles

Dual Degrees

Coordinated program opportunities where students study one or more years directly with ASU and earn two degrees (e.g. 2+2, 3+1, 4+1)

Online Enablement

Accelerate your digital learning capabilities by utilizing online curriculum from ASU

Academic and Research Collaborations

Opportunities for your faculty to collaborate with ASU academic counterparts

Partner with us today